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  5. German courses for companies

The language solution for your company

Group, semi-private and private courses

Your company is unique, so are your employees. We test each participant to determine their individual German language level. We then offer you a training programme that meets the specific needs of each individual.

Group courses

Participants can start their training programme at any time of the year and according to their schedule.

We offer 2 solutions:

The traditional method

This includes courses delivered by teachers and access to our online learning platform.

The accelerated method - Blended Learning

For people with clear and defined objectives. École Suisse d’Allemand's method includes teacher-led courses, conversation workshops, online courses and access to our training platform.

Semi-private and private courses

Each course is tailor-made to meet the personal needs and objectives of the participant.

Exam preparation

Specialised course packages to prepare for the most renowned certificates:

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